
Made to Lead: Finding a Virtuous Wife in Sodom

Today’s young woman is steeped in feminism from her earliest days, often stripped of both her clothes and her virtue by a very young age.  This is a disaster for her future husband, particularly for the man seeking lifetime marriage, for each new lover increases the odds that she’ll end her future marriage and turn her husband into a divorce slave.  Finding a Virtuous Wife in Sodom cuts through feminist lies with a scimitar blade.  Those who follow its advice will be rewarded with a better marriage, a higher probability of a lifetime marriage, and more sex.  This is not a bad list.

Outside of your decision to follow the Lord, deciding whom you marry will affect your life more than any other.  Finding a Virtuous Wife in Sodom covers the basic biblical tenants of Christian marriage and also provides you with hard-earned and invaluable insights: first, regarding how to easily disqualify risky women; second, how to attract women of high quality; and third, encouragement and advice for those in difficult marriages.

Men making marital decisions with minds addled by sexual desire would do well to keep in mind that they won’t be having sex with their ex-wife, and she can file for divorce at any time, for any reason, or for no reason at all.  If you marry, marry well.  Finding a Virtuous Wife in Sodom shows you the way.

This book is written for those men thirsting for Truth, wanting to lead their families and the society in which they live to a biblical understanding of life, love, obedience and sacrifice.  Along with the numerous resources noted throughout, this book will greatly aid you in developing an accurate worldview and will help you better understand human nature, both critical foundations for becoming a good and godly leader.  Even if your only leadership victory in life is leading your own family well, that is a huge victory, one to be celebrated through all eternity!

Those who will embrace these truths at a young age will not be hindered by the adverse effects of years of bad decisions, so this didactic work is primarily directed to young adult, single men desiring to live an impactful life, and, secondarily, targeted towards fathers who desire to raise well-grounded sons and virtuous daughters.  This book is not intended to judge, berate, or condemn; quite to the contrary, it’s offered to inform and encourage.  With that in mind, dads, please hear me, do not allow your past sins to silence your good counsel.

The married man may certainly apply these teachings to improve his own marriage, but this particular book is simply too explicit for young boys.  Should an authentic Christian woman elect to read this book, she would do well to start with the chapter entitled, “Raising Your Daughters.” Though the subject matter covered in this book naturally taps into one’s emotions, the book itself seeks to cover the material dispassionately and logically, though we’ll have some fun along the way.  But the equalitarian feminists, male or female, steeped in their own rhetoric, will simply wretch themselves into convulsions as they turn each page, so they read at their own risk.

The Kindle version of the book may be purchased at Amazon, and is priced to be accessible to any person.  Kindle Reader software can be installed for free on any PC and many other devices.  Additionally, Amazon offers free or very low-cost downloads for many classic works that are beyond copyright protection, enabling one to build a library of Christian classics and other historic resources very economically, the wisdom of the ages at your fingertips.